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A FEW TIMES A YEAR, the artistic board at PERSHAGEN GALLERY review applications from artists interested at exhibiting at the gallery (based on availability).

If you'd like to be included in our next review, send us an email to pershagen.mosbach(a)

Basic information for artists applying:

* Exhibiting at Pershagen Gallery/PG includes a fee to be paid by the artist, currently set at 1400 SEK per week. The minimum exhibition period is 3 weeks.

This fee includes collaboration with PG, where PG will help the artist with installing the exhibition in the space as well as attend the vernissage/opening day
 and/or finissage/closing day, and PG will also do promotion for each exhibition in different settings (document the exhibition via photography, creating and sending out a press release, making several social media posts on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram before and throughout the exhibition period, as well as post information on the PG website).

* After the vernissage/opening day, the exhibiting artist is the one hosting/keeping the gallery space open throughout the exhibition period, and guarding the exhibition during all opening hours. All opening hours are therefore based on the artist's own availability/physical presence.

* This means that the exhibition can be open up to 7 days a week, if the artist is available to do so, but previous artists have regarded usual opening hours as being anytime between Wednesday - Sunday, and anytime from 10am to 9pm (at the latest).

* Opening hours for the forthcoming week are published on social media and the gallery's website every Monday or Tuesday, meaning that full info on availability must have been planned, discussed and decided before that.

* When a show is booked, the fee is paid both in advance (50%) and after the exhibition closes (50%).

* If an exhibition is cancelled by the artist after the show has been booked, the initial 50% of the total fee
will not be refunded.

* The artist is responsible for all financial aspects regarding sales of their work in the gallery, preferably through their own firm (enskild firma) For sales of pieces in larger formats (eg. paintings/photographs hanging on the walls) the gallery takes a a percentage of each sale (10%) to be paid by invoice to the gallery after the exhibition closes. For sales of smaller pieces/"extra material" (eg. prints, fanzines, postcards and crafts), 100% of the proceeds go to/are kept by the artist.

* The preceeding week leading up to the opening, the artist will have had a minimum of 2 days to install the show in PG prior to the vernissage/opening day as well as a maximum of 2 days to uninstall the show after the finissage/exhibition closes (in collaboration with PG).

* Basic utilities in PG (in the back office) include a WC with a sink, a refrigerator and a microwave oven as well as plates, glasses and cuttlery.

For full technical information about the space (eg. equipment, tech and measurements), contact pershagen.mosbach(a)




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